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Burning Farm
The Hardcore Discipline of Coordination:
Mario Fiorentino, Housing, and the Project of Corviale

Pier Vittorio AureliIssue 18March 2025Read
All About San Riemo
A Conversation with SUMMACUMFEMMER

Jolanda DevalleIssue 18March 2025Read
Representation is Enough
Notes on the Black Box Bed

Aristide AntonasIssue 17February 2025Read
Staging Movement
On Architecture and Dance through the Work of Adolphe Appia, Émile Jaques-Dalcroze and the Halprins

Ada MassarenteIssue 17February 2025Read
The Proletariat’s Aesthetic Revenge
A Social and Architectural Portrait of the ‘Seven Sisters’

Romain BarthIssue 16February 2025Read
Sleeping Around
A History of American Beds and Bedrooms

Elizabeth Collins CromleyIssue 16February 2025Read
Room for Women
An Atlas of Feminist Housing Projects from the 1980s

Camyl VigneaultIssue 15December 2024Read
About London and the Housing Issue
A Conversation with Kate Macintosh

Aurora PizzioloIssue 15December 2024Read
Absalon’s Cells
A Queer Reappraisal of Individualism

Klea OttIssue 14November 2024Read
The Constant Typologist
The Notion of Type in the Work of Aris Konstantinidis

Platon Issaias,Alexandra VougiaIssue 13October 2024Read
48All About San Riemo: A Conversation with SUMMACUMFEMMERJolanda Devalle.pdf2025Essay
47The Hardcore Discipline of Coordination:: Mario Fiorentino, Housing, and the Project of CorvialePier Vittorio Aureli.pdf2025Essay
46Representation is Enough: Notes on the Black Box BedAristide Antonas.pdf2025Essay
45Staging Movement: On Architecture and Dance through the Work of Adolphe Appia, Émile Jaques-Dalcroze and the Halprins Ada Massarente.pdf2025Essay
44Sleeping Around: A History of American Beds and BedroomsElizabeth Collins Cromley.pdf2025Essay
43The Proletariat’s Aesthetic Revenge: A Social and Architectural Portrait of the ‘Seven Sisters’Romain Barth.pdf2025Essay
42About London and the Housing Issue: A Conversation with Kate MacintoshAurora Pizziolo.pdf2024Essay
41Room for Women: An Atlas of Feminist Housing Projects from the 1980sCamyl Vigneault.pdf2024Essay
40Absalon’s Cells: A Queer Reappraisal of IndividualismKlea Ott.pdf2024Essay
39Instagram, Typology and Architecture: The Interiors of Social MediaJavier Fernández Contreras, Paule Perron.pdf2024Essay
38What Is Handed Down: Type and Domesticity in the Dwellings of Henry RobertsJoshua Tan.pdf2024Essay
37The Constant Typologist: The Notion of Type in the Work of Aris KonstantinidisPlaton Issaias, Alexandra Vougia.pdf2024Essay
36Type as Social AgreementN. John Habraken.pdf2024Essay
35The Children’s Commune: Hannes Meyer’s Kinderheim in MümliswilTatiana Efrussi.pdf2024Essay
34Domestic Space and Gender Roles in Ancient Egypt: A View from Amarna and Deir el-MedinaAikaterini Koltsida.pdf2024Essay
33From Bed to Bedroom: A Genealogical Study of Horizontality in Domestic SpaceConstantinos Marcou.pdf2024Essay
32Counter-planning from the Kitchen: For a Feminist Critique of TypeMaria Shéhérazade Giudici.pdf2024Essay
31Enjoy the Silence: The Case for Typological DesignPier Vittorio Aureli.pdf2024Essay
30The Architecture of the City (in the Age of its Financial Reproducibility)Pedro Levi Bismarck.pdf2024Essay
29The New Housing Question: Planning, Digital Platforms, and State-Led Financialization of HousingSarah Gainsforth.pdf2024Essay
28The Chimney and Social Change in Medieval EnglandLeRoy Dresbeck.pdf2024Essay
27Unbearable Lightness: ‘House with No Style’ and Blank Architecture in JapanBrendon Carlin.pdf2024Essay
26The Domestic SphereLeopoldina Fortunati.pdf2024Essay
25From Metropolis to Arcadia: OMA and the Idea of ‘Confetti’Hamed Khosravi.pdf2024Essay
24Robin Evans’s Empty Room: Collective Living in the 1970s and the Problem of Domestic RealismJoseph Bedford.pdf2024Essay
23The Tenement of the Purest FormChristophe Van Gerrewey.pdf2024Essay
22Don’t Romanticize the Process! An Interview with Lacol on Housing and CooperativesJolanda Devalle, Theodora Giovanazzi, Constantinos Marcou.pdf2024Essay
21Animal House: Domestic Space as an Ecological ProjectFeral Partnerships.pdf2024Essay
20Southern Hospitality A Brief History of the PorchHunter Doyle.pdf2024Essay
19Heterotopias and the History of SpacesGeorges Teyssot.pdf2024Essay
18Metal Circus: Abstraction and Method in Aldo Rossi’s Early WorkPier Vittorio Aureli.pdf2023Essay
17Screens Within Screens: The Interiors of TwitchJavier Fernández Contreras.pdf2023Essay
16No Joke: Plans and Counterplans in Downtown ManhattanMichael Robinson Cohen.pdf2023Essay
15Rogue and Trickster: Luigi Moretti, Real Estate and the Villa TriptychMichela Bonomo.pdf2023Essay
14Company Town: To Provide and to Separate, an Open Letter to Giorgio AgambenVittorio Gregotti.pdf2023Essay
13Social Democracy and the City in the Weimar RepublicManfredo Tafuri.pdf2023Essay
12The City as a Reformist Project: Typological Research and the 1973 Plan for BolognaEnrica Mannelli.pdf2023Essay
11The City of Janus: A Close Reading of Hannes Meyer’s FreidorfStéphanie Savio.pdf2023Essay
10The Form of OtiumPier Vittorio Aureli, Maria Shéhérazade Giudici.pdf2023Essay
09Does it Make Sense to Speak about Type Today?Tiago P. Borges.pdf2023Essay
08Bed for One: A Queer Interpretation of the Rooming HouseConstantinos Marcou.pdf2023Essay
07The Basilica and the Rotunda: Type, Analogy and Ritual in Medieval EuropeGili Merin.pdf2023Essay
06Never Innocent: Architecture, Anthropology, and the Concept of House-TypeJolanda Devalle.pdf2023Essay
05Poverty and Architecture: The Fuggerei as an Early Example of Affordable HousingTheodora Giovanazzi.pdf2023Essay
04Territory: A DefinitionPier Vittorio Aureli.pdf2023Essay
03From College to Campus: The Architecture of Education from Medieval Europe to JeffersonMarson Korbi.pdf2023Essay
02The Housing Question is a Feminist QuestionIoanna PiniaraMay 20232023Event
01The Fifth Typology A Symposium on Type and Architecture04 – 05 April 20232023Event
ISSN   2813 – 8058TPOD, EPFL
Burning Farm
A Journal on Architecture and Domestic Space